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The architectural lighting company and showroom LAMPÁRNA was founded in 1998, when the founder and managing director Ing. Viktor Konvičný has been continuing on his several years of experience in designing lighting solutions, especially for family houses and villas.
With its name, Lampárna nostalgically and even slightly romantically refers to rooms at train stations or in coal mines, where lamps were stored or recharged for working in these areas.
In terms of architectural lighting design, the company is considered as a pioneer in the eastern part of the Czech Republic and, in fact, in our entire country, as one of the very first companies dealing with this matter.
Since 2000, the company's headquarters have been located in the historic main square of the city of Ostrava, but due to insu)icient spatial capacities, a move to new, more spacious and also more representative building is planned.


Photo: Jakub Konvičný

With its architecture, the planned building of the new Lampárna refers to the history of the city in which we live and work. And we love. For a long time, Ostrava was known as the steel heart of the republic and a place with a great tradition of coal mining and steel processing. The industrial character of the city is precisely reflected in the form of the new headquarters of Lampárna with the help of architecture (bricks, shape solution, rawness, etc.).
The concept of the building is completely unique within the Czech Republic. In addition to the main point - the showroom and other traditional facilities, the so-called experimental room stands out here. This will be a place for testing, experimenting and, above all, physically demonstrating the effects and quality of light to our customers.
The position of the company will most likely change in the future, the concept is still being modernized, but what remains...it is the same attitude, willingness and effort to provide the best possible work and services to our loyal or newly arriving clients.

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Visualization: MASTER DESIGN